Thursday, August 5, 2010

GEMPAR LAGI!!! Siapa lagi kalau bukan Guan Eng...

Setelah di gemparkan dengan isu Guan Eng ditampar Mamu Penang. Kini satu lagi cerita pulak, apa lah agenda si Guan Eng ni…
Now dia nak suruh bubarkan pulak Cawangan Khas(Special Branch-SB)
Apa sebenarnya agenda yang cuba di mainkan oleh Guan Eng ini???

“If we do not have enough manpower, we can always use the Special Branch officers - there are so many of them and I think we will get better value-for-money if the Special Branch was changed to a Violence and Sexual Crimes Unit.-
The Star-
3 Ogos 2010
(Special Police Unit Needed for Women)

Sedikit info untuk para pembaca. Unit SB ini telah ditubuhkan pada 1949, Masa ni bukan kata Guan Eng masih berhingus, wujud pun belum lagi Guan Eng di dunia ni. Tapi dah pandai-pandai nak tukarkan Unit SB ni ke Unit Violence and sexual crime. Siapa Guan Eng ni pakar ke???

Unit SB ni memainkan begitu banyak peranan iaitu membanteras Parti Komunis Malaya(PKM) dari tahun 1948-1989. Disamping itu banyak juga yang telah terbunuh serta terkorban dalam usaha untuk membanteras PKM. Tidak kurang dari 2000 orang yang telah terbunuh, ramai isteri-isteri yang hilang suami dan ramai anak-anak yang hilang bapa mereka. Tahun 1970-2009 Unit SB ni membanteras pelbagai ancaman radikal seperti kumpulan2 militan Malaysia; KMM, Jamaah Islamiah, Al-Qaeda, Al-Arqam. Juga telah memainkan peranan yang besar pada peristiwa 13 Mei 1969 dimana tercetusnya insiden perkauman.

Jadi Guan Eng ni buta sejarah ke???

“State Special Branch chief Senior Asst Comm (II) Datuk Rosly Abbas when contacted for comments said: “Only those who do not know history will call for the abolishment of the Special Branch”.-The Star-
3 Ogos 2010
(Special Police Unit Needed for Women)

Bisik-bisik pun Duta ada dengar tak abis-abis dengan isu dok hentam Pegawai kerajaan, apa salah mereka ni?? Apa dendam Guan Eng terhadap Pegawai-pegawai kerajaan ni, terutama kepada Pegawai kerajaan Melayu….

So apa cerita Guan Eng sebenarnya ni, tak belajar sejarah ke apa? Fungsi serta jasa Unit SB ini amat jelas, atau mungkin Guan Eng mempunyai agenda tersendiri yang mana mungkin telah di hidu oleh unit SB.Atau pun Guan Eng cuma belajar sejarah Singapura sahaja. Sebab tu selalu sangat dok ulang alik ke sana. Tiada unit lain nak dikatakan ke mengapa di talanya kepada unit SB ni, cuba fikir-fikirkan macam pelawak Nabil kata Lu fikir lah sendiri. Jangan biarkan diri anda diselubungi dengan misteri...

Petikan dari The Star
3 Ogos 2010
(Special Police Unit Needed for Women)

“PENANG Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng wants special assault and trauma units to be established in every district of the country.
He said such a unit was necessary to deal with sexual violence.
“If we do not have enough manpower, we can always use the Special Branch officers - there are so many of them and I think we will get better value-for-money if the Special Branch was changed to a Violence and Sexual Crimes Unit.
“It would be a better use of resources,” he said, before questioning the need for the Special Branch.
Lim said the Federal Government must provide the necessary allocations to set up such units in “every district, in every state”.
“If the Federal Government can have so many Special Branch officers, why can’t they have a unit dedicated to women?
“The police force is male dominated — what we need is a women’s perspective (when battling such crimes),” he said.
Lim was speaking at the closing of the ‘Gender Mainstreaming: Justice For All’ conference at a hotel in Tanjung Bungah on Sunday.
State Special Branch chief Senior Asst Comm (II) Datuk Rosly Abbas when contacted for comments said: “Only those who do not know history will call for the abolishment of the Special Branch”.
He said the Special Branch’s role was crucial during the communist insurgency and they had worked hard to ensure the country’s peace and security against terrorists and extremists like the Jemaah Islamiah militant group.
“The world is a dangerous place. The Special Branch will continue to remain relevant until the end of time,” he added

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